library (shiny)
library (tidyverse)
library (plotly)
library (ggplot2)
library (leaflet)
library (DT)
library (scales)
library (dplyr)
library (stringr)
library (shinydashboard)
library (flexdashboard)
#import data
airbnb <- read.csv ("" , stringsAsFactors= FALSE )
airbnb$ city <- as.factor (str_to_title (airbnb$ city))
airbnb_dt <- airbnb %>%
select (- X,- room_shared,- room_private,- multi,- biz,- dist,- attr_index,- attr_index_norm,- rest_index,- rest_index_norm,- lat,- lng) %>%
mutate (realSum= round (realSum),
metro_dist= round (metro_dist, digits= 2 ),
) %>%
rename ("City" = "city" ,
"Availability" = "type" ,
"Rate" = "realSum" ,
"Type" = "room_type" ,
"Capacity" = "person_capacity" ,
"Superhost" = "host_is_superhost" ,
"Clean Rating" = "cleanliness_rating" ,
"Guest Rating" = "guest_satisfaction_overall" ,
"Bedrooms" = "bedrooms" ,
"Distance" = "metro_dist" )
# UI section
ui <- fluidPage (
tags$ head (
HTML ("<title>Airbnb European Snapshot</title>" ),
tags$ style (HTML ("
@import url(',wght@0,300;0,400;0,600;1,400&display=swap');
background: #f7f7f7;
.container-fluid {
padding-right: 0;
padding-left: 0;
.well {
background-color: #484848;
.well h4{
font-weight: 300;
color: #fff;
.help-block {
color: #fff;
.shiny-input-container {
color: #FFF;
h2 {
font-family: 'Montserrat', sans-serif;
padding: 30px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #484848;
margin-top: 0;
font-size: 40px;
font-weight: 300;
h2 img{
padding-right: 10px;
margin-top: -5px;
.row {
margin-right: 15px;
margin-left: 15px;
.tab-content .row {
margin-right: -15px;
margin-left: -15px;
.small-box {
padding: 10px 20px;
color: #fff;
background-color: #FF5A5F;
.small-box h3 {
font-size: 16px;
margin-top: 10px;
margin-bottom: 0;
.small-box p {
font-size: 38px;
font-weight: bold;
margin: 0 0 3px 0;
line-height: 48px;
text-align: right;
font-size: 30px;
span.tabhead {
border-bottom: 1px solid #eceeef;
font-size: 16px;
font-weight: 300;
padding: 7px 10px 4px;
background: #fff;
display: block;
margin: 10px 0 3px;
.irs--shiny .irs-bar {
border-top: 1px solid #5AB2FF;
border-bottom: 1px solid #5AB2FF;
background: #5AB2FF;
.irs--shiny .irs-grid-pol {
background-color: #fff;
.irs--shiny .irs-grid-pol.small,
.irs--shiny .irs-min{
display: none;
.shiny-input-container {
color: #fff;
}" ))
# Title
titlePanel (title= span (img (src= "logo.png" , height= 50 ),"Airbnb European Snapshot" )),
sidebarLayout (
sidebarPanel (
selectInput ("city" ,
h4 ("Choose your city:" ),
choices = levels (airbnb$ city),
selected = "NULL" ,
multiple = FALSE ),
sliderInput ("rooms" , h4 ("Number of bedrooms:" ),
min= 0 ,
max= 10 ,
value = 10 ,
step = 1 ),
checkboxGroupInput ("listtype" , h4 ("Availability:" ),
choices = c ("weekdays" , "weekends" ),
selected = c ("weekdays" , "weekends" )
width = 2 ),
mainPanel (
tabsetPanel (
tabPanel ("Summary" ,
fluidRow (
valueBoxOutput ("numbox" , width = 3 ),
valueBoxOutput ("pricebox" , width = 3 ),
valueBoxOutput ("superbox" , width = 3 ),
valueBoxOutput ("guestbox" , width = 3 )
) ,
fluidRow (
column (4 , span (class= "tabhead" , "Number of Bedrooms" ), plotOutput ("bedplot" )
column (4 , span (class= "tabhead" , "Cleanliness" ), plotOutput ("cleanplot" )
column (4 , span (class= "tabhead" , "Price & Distance from City Center" ), plotOutput ("distplot" )
tabPanel ("Map View" , leafletOutput ("citymap" )),
tabPanel ("List View" , DT:: dataTableOutput (outputId = "table" ))
width= 10 )
# Server section
server <- function (input, output) {
cbPalette <- c ("#5AB2FF" , "#00A699" , "#FFE25A" , "#845AFF" , "#FC642D" , "#FF5A5F" )
filtered_data <- reactive ({
subset (airbnb_dt, (City %in% input$ city) & (Availability == input$ listtype[1 ] | Availability == input$ listtype[2 ])) %>%
filter (Bedrooms <= input$ rooms)
filtered_plot_data <- reactive ({
subset (airbnb, (city %in% input$ city) & (type == input$ listtype[1 ] | type == input$ listtype[2 ])) %>%
filter (bedrooms <= input$ rooms)
count_plot_data <- reactive ({
subset (airbnb, (city %in% input$ city) & (type == input$ listtype[1 ] | type == input$ listtype[2 ]))
super_plot_data <- reactive ({
subset (airbnb_dt, (City %in% input$ city) & (Availability == input$ listtype[1 ] | Availability == input$ listtype[2 ])) %>%
filter (Superhost == "True" )
output$ table <- DT:: renderDataTable (
filtered_data (),
#filter = 'top',
rownames = FALSE
output$ bedplot <- renderPlot ({
filtered_plot_data () %>%
ggplot (aes (bedrooms, fill= type)) +
geom_bar (stat= "count" ,position= "dodge" )+
theme_minimal ()+
theme (legend.position= "bottom" )+
labs (fill= "" , x = "Number of Bedrooms" , y = "" ) +
scale_fill_manual (values= cbPalette)
output$ cleanplot <- renderPlot ({
filtered_plot_data () %>%
ggplot (aes (cleanliness_rating, fill= room_type)) +
geom_bar (stat= "count" ,position= "dodge" )+
theme_minimal ()+
theme (legend.position= "bottom" )+
labs (fill= "" , x = "Cleanliness Rating" , y = "" ) +
scale_fill_manual (values= cbPalette)
output$ distplot <- renderPlot ({
filtered_plot_data () %>%
filter (realSum< 4000 ) %>%
ggplot (aes (x= metro_dist, y= realSum, color= type)) +
geom_point (alpha= .5 , size= 2 )+
theme_minimal ()+
theme (legend.position= "bottom" )+
labs (color= "" , x = "Distance from City Center" , y = "Total Price" ) +
scale_color_manual (values= cbPalette)
output$ numbox <- renderValueBox ({
shinydashboard:: valueBox (
"Number of rentals" ,
nrow (count_plot_data () %>%
filter (bedrooms <= input$ rooms)),
icon = icon ("home" ),
width = 3
output$ pricebox <- renderValueBox ({
y <- round (mean (filtered_plot_data ()$ realSum), digits = 0 )
if (is.nan (y)) y <- 0
shinydashboard:: valueBox (
"Average price per night" ,
icon = icon ("coins" ),
width = 3
output$ superbox <- renderValueBox ({
shinydashboard:: valueBox (
"Number of super hosts" ,
nrow (super_plot_data () %>%
filter (Bedrooms <= input$ rooms)),
icon = icon ("fas fa-user" ),
width = 3
output$ guestbox <- renderValueBox ({
x <- round (mean (filtered_plot_data ()$ guest_satisfaction_overall), digits = 0 )
if (is.nan (x)) x <- 0
shinydashboard:: valueBox (
"Average guest rating" ,
icon = icon ("fas fa-star" ),
width = 3
output$ citymap <- renderLeaflet ({
airbnbpopup = paste0 ( "<strong>Bedrooms:</strong> "
, filtered_plot_data ()$ bedrooms
, "<br>"
, "<strong>Capacity:</strong> "
, filtered_plot_data ()$ person_capacity
, "<br>"
, "<strong>Room Type:</strong> "
, filtered_plot_data ()$ room_type
, "<br>"
, "<strong>Guest Rating:</strong> "
, filtered_plot_data ()$ guest_satisfaction_overall
, "<br>"
, "<strong>Clean Rating:</strong> "
, filtered_plot_data ()$ cleanliness_rating
startlat = mean (filtered_plot_data ()$ lat)
startlon = mean (filtered_plot_data ()$ lng)
leaflet () %>%
addProviderTiles (providers$ CartoDB.Positron) %>%
setView (startlon,startlat, zoom = 12 ) %>%
addCircles (data= filtered_plot_data (),~ lng, ~ lat, popup= airbnbpopup, weight = 3 , radius= 100 ,
color= "#FF5A5F" , stroke = FALSE , fillOpacity = 0.6 )
# Run the application
shinyApp (ui = ui, server = server)